Mount Nyiragongo Volcano Recent Eruption Information

Scientific American

Mount Nyiragongo is an active stratovolcano with an elevation of 3,470 m (11,380 ft) in the Virunga Mountains.

For the adventurous sort, take a challenging day hike to the top of a volcano in the Virunga Massif.


You will be rewarded with amazing views into the Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda.


It has a 1.2 km diameter summit caldera containing the world's most active and largest lava lake. 

Nyiragongo is a two-mile-high volcano towering over the eastern edge of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) — one of the most active volcanoes on the planet, and also one of the least studied.


Nyiragongo's lava lake is found at a maximum elevation of 3250m, inside a 3465m tall stratovolcano; the lava lake has an estimated depth of 600m and contains one of the most fluid lavas on Earth.


The lake is 700 feet across, with a mesmerizing kaleidoscopic surface.


A recent discovery of mine, and one of the most remarkable experiences of my life. This expedition gives you the opportunity to climb and spend a night on an active volcano in the Congo and will take 3 days. 


We have a trusted Congolese company that will arrange everything for you, and escort you through the whole journey. The following costs are involved:

The VISA for the Congo is $100 USD

Park entry and guided tour up the volcano is $300 USD

Sleeping bags can be hired from the park office for $10 USD

Transport for the trip will be $200 USD for the car (reduces with more travelers)

We will need a week to arrange VISA’s and permits etc, so a little bit of pre-planning is required for this particular trip. Additionally planning to bring winter gear with you will make the trip much more enjoyable as it does drop below 0°C at night time up there .